Info about pre-ordered products

You have pre-ordered a product from us and would like to know what the current status is?
This page will help you. Everything we know about the pre-ordered products as well as an estimated delivery date, we keep up to date here!

Games from PIKO Interactive

The following games from PIKO Interactive are still expected:
Broken Circle, Top Gear 2 Coleco

All other games have already arrived and shipped. Unfortunately, we had ordered too few copies of Broken Circle - that was our mistake. :(
It looks like these should arrive in April.

Games / Hardware from RetroBit

Assault Suits Valken:
The officially announced date is the second quarter of 2024 - but according to my information, it should actually be much faster here, as the game is already ready for mass production.

Eliminate Down:
These are in production, so our guess is they should arrive around June 2024. It's only a guess though, not an official date, so I could be completely off :D

Maijou - King of Demons:
Preorder period is just over, so nothing more is known yet. :)

MemCard Pro 2:

These are planned to arrive in October 2024.